You asked and we listened! If you have struggled with our large frame signature calls, get ready to be BLOWN AWAY! Literally!
The ElkBros "BURN"EM RED" was designed to be our first "medium frame" signature call made specifically to be that ALL-AROUND workhorse, giving you amazing bugles and bull vocalizations as real as they get, while also producing ultra-sweet cow and calf sounds without having to switch from reed to reed. Y'all, we wanted a diaphragm, in a medium frame form factor, that you will absolutely fall in love with!
Produced by our friends and legendary call makers over at Native by Carlton, the quality latex and specially formulated stretch was designed to create a different voice and hit a special pitch that gets bulls FIRED UP! If you struggle with the larger frame of our Grinder or Shugga, the “Native By Carlton V3 Frame” of the Burn’em Red was specially designed to be the answer. Innovative, solid and drive them bulls crazy dependable!